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Showing posts from January 20, 2019

Japanese Fire-Fighter Jacket

Vintage Japanese fire-fighters' jackets are popular with thrift store fashionistas.  They show up on ebay direct from Japan as well as high-end resell shops.  This blog will help you find a real one verses a contemporary fake.  A fire-fighting outfit is called hikeshi sashiko hanten in Japanese.  These outfits consist of several layers which were wetted down to protect the firemen from burns, bruises and flames.  These multi-layers also guarded the fireman from falling objects. The jacket's stitching techniques and design (see close up photo below) are referred to as sashiko .  The designers laid several pieces of cotton cloth over one another and stitched them together, perhaps like an Amish kitchen rag rug. Each row of fabric had a rolled up layer of cotton, providing a reinforced cloth that almost had a knotted surface. Cotton fabric was used because it quickly absorbed water and could be died with indigo.  The term hanten implies short garment.  These jackets did not