One of Nigeria’s most noted contemporary artists, Mr. Emmanuel Ekefrey is part of the popular Lagos exhibition circuit, he is also part of the global art world, especially in England and France. His busy and colorful paintings are his unique trademark. What is particularly fascinating about Ekefrey's work is his ability to combine a strong graphic style with a great deal of imagination. The monumental and thematically complex painting below features three central figures, surrounded by a few larger ancestral faces watching over them. In the background, hundreds of miniature ancestral faces emerge and recede, representing previous Ibibio African ceremonies. The Ibibio coastal people, primarily located in Akwa Ibom, Cross River, and eastern Abia State in southern Nigeria, are connected to these ancestral traditions through the artwork. Ekefrey’s graffiti covers the canvas with a plethora of tiny faces that give the artwork a multi-perspective depth to the primary figures and the a...