The famous New York Times Art Critic, John Canaday, provided a one-line synopsis of Clare Ferriter's 1964 show at the Bridge Gallery (61 West 56th Street). He stated the show is: A low feverishness simmers in murky abstract paintings done in autumnal tints . 1. The painting (Oil on Canvas) carries two titles: “ Totem Pole ” and “ Three Wise Owls and One Not So Wise .” This abstract impressionist painting style was started by Ferriter in the 1950s, and the canvas size is approximately 26” X 34”. Closeup example of Clare Ferriter’s Signature. Clare Ferriter , b. June 18, 1913, Dickinson, ND, aka: Patricia Clare Ferriter, and Mrs. John Tilton Hack: 2./ 5. Late 1920s attended Massachusetts School of Fine Arts. 1931-33 lived in the Philippines, with her military enlisted father, worked as an illustrator for the Manila Times. 1935, received her BFA, Yale University School of Art and Architecture, went on ...